Sustainability accreditation

Apply for global sustainable accreditation, help heal the planet...

Our membership doesn't just make business easy and opportunities abundant, we make you greener too, with our sustainable rewards. These rewards are mapped to global sustainable accreditation and for those members who achieve accreditation, they secure a place in the UK's sustainable register for commercial and competitive advantage.

There are a whole host of benefits to becoming sustainably accredited, most notably, helping to repair our planet, but there are other reasons too:

For example:

  • Get recognition for your sustainable activity
  • Be a sustainable leader
  • Accreditation can lead to commercial and competitive advantages
  • Government tender and contracts are weighted to sustainable businesses
  • Accreditation with CSR-A lasts 3 years
  • A tree planted in your name keeps you giving
  • Automatic entry to the International CSR Excellence Awards
  • A place in the UK's sustainable supply chain register on GB Shared
  • Regular updates, discounts on training and workshops from CSRA

GB Shared - Modern day membership offering a responsible business framework, which gives returns and encourages local activity with a global impact, whilst naturally leading to accreditation, standardising and creating the UK's sustainable supply chain.

Register now

It's free to register your interest for accreditation. Whether you're just enquiring for more information, want some advice, training or support or whether you're ready to apply or re-accredit. Our partnership with CSR has already supported a number of members in acheiving global sustainable accreditation. If you're a member of GB Shared, then our membership encourages local, ethical and sustainable behaviour, the best part, we've mapped our customer journey to the CSR accreditation, meaning we reward members with green points that count toward accreditation - just for doing business!

Your rewards and sustainable report can be found on your GB Shared dashboard, should you apply, this is available for download and can be submitted as evidence of sustainable activity. You can also check how you're already performing with our free interactive sustainable quiz.

In under 10 weeks from your application submission date you could be a CSR accredited organisation! The CSR Accreditation Application Registration Form - Part 1

Login or Register to apply

What happens after submission of your CSR accreditation application?

Once you have submitted your CSR Accreditation Application Registration your details will be forwarded to CSR-A who will contact you to acknowledge receipt of this form. You will also receive a confirmation email that contains a unique link to create an account on our CSR Accreditation Application portal. By registering, you are consenting to us sharing the above information only, with CSRA.

You are only ever between 3 and 10 weeks from being CSR Accredited.

How far are you on your sustainable journey? Try our interactive quiz here.

Why we partnered with CSR-A

A Vision for Sustainability

GB Shared began sharing centrally in 2016. We had a vision of connecting counties and making business easier. It didn’t take long to realise the vast sustainable impact that membership also encouraged; local jobs to local people, local spend, tenders, funding, connections and so much more. With members doing so much sustainable good, it made sense that we mapped our customer journey to sustainable accreditation. Now GB Shared doesn't just help you and your county unite in sharing opportunities and returns, but it makes you greener with every share!

CSR Accreditation – Showing what good looks like

CSR-A were thrilled to partner with GB Shared, who were recognised as the UKs' first sustainable marketplace and supply chain register, dedicated to empowering organisations to become agents of positive change. Rather than just accredit organisations, GB Shared actually encourages the activity and evidences it as businesses do business. Share members who have or achieve global accreditation, gain the opportunity to be featured in the UK’s Sustainable Supply Chain Register, recognised by Innovate UK, enhancing your visibility and positioning you favourably for collaborations with larger supply chains and future tender opportunities.

Encouraging and rewarding sustainable activity

Through our green point system, we recognise and reward your sustainable activities during membership, incentivising continued progress towards environmental stewardship. When you think your'e ready using your quiz results and green reward report, you can apply for accreditation. The CSR Accreditation provides independent validation and recognition of an organisations environmental and socially responsible activities. It is a powerful way to communicate these positive actions to all stakeholders.

The CSR Accreditation uses a framework to assess an organisation's CSR practices across various areas, including environmental sustainability, community engagement, workplace culture, and ethical business practices. It aims to provide companies with a structured approach to implementing and measuring their CSR initiatives.

If you are struggling to navigate an increasingly complex sustainability...

You are probably doing a lot of positive things already. Our interactive quiz will help you find your way, it doesn't just tell you where you are, it tells you what you should be doing and scores your current position. Our member journey naturally encourages local, ethical and sustainable behaviour, we help you to writer your sustainable story whilst CSR-A provides the perfect opportunity to tell your story... and be recognised.

Join a growing number of GB Shared members and other sustainable leaders by becoming CSR Accredited. CSR Accreditation (CSR-A) is endorsed by Buckinghamshire New University and The Institute of Administrative Management (IAM).

Get started today

Sign up now and start benefiting from our services and help make your business more sustainable!

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