
How To Decide What to Include In Your irresistible lead magnet


You see lots of them out there - Businesses offering a freebie, lead magnet or ethical bribe.

They’re a great way to help your audience.

It's also a great way for you to build your relationship which your ideal client.

Your irresistible freebie can be the first real experience your potential clients will have of you and your work so you want it to be good.

But what if:

  • You don't know how to decide what to include in your irresistible lead magnet

How much do you give away for Free?

How much is too much or too little to put into your irresistible freebie?

Knowing what to include can be tricky.

Deciding how much to give away for free can leave many business owners pondering what’s right and enough.

So let’s chat about what your audience looks for in an irresistible lead magnet so you can create one that has the right amount of content and the right content so you’re not giving away the farm, so to speak. 

What is a lead magnet?

Alead magnet can also be called a list buider, ethical bribe or a freebie or maybe you've heard it called something else. 

Whatever you decide to call yours, it offers your audience great content that helps them to solve a problem. 

How does your audience get their hands on it?

They sign-up for it by giving you their email address in exchange for it.

Here's an example of what a sign-up page can look like. 

You then send it to their inbox and you send follow-up emails with lots of useful and helpful content for them. After a while, you can then offer them your products or services. 

Some may buy, some won't but you can still appear in their inbox being useful and helpful until they're ready. 

Some may unsubscribe and that's okay too.

Why do you need a lead magnet?

There's plenty of social media platforms out there, so why bother offering a lead magnet?

Well, you don't own the friends, likes, followers, connections or subscribers on any of the social media you're on. 

The platforms own them and any platform could go away at any time. Change their rules and you're always going to be beholden to their algorithms which change constantly. 

Which is why a lead magnet, to build and grow YOUR emai list is an important part of your business. 

I'd say it's an asset.

There are other really good reasons to have one:

They're great relationship builders - helping you build the all-important know, like and trust factor

It keeps a flow of potential clients coming to you - think of your business as a leaky bucket, as clients move on you need to replace them. 

A useful and helpful lead magnet:

  • Increases your authority in your area of expertise
  • Increases your engagement with someone who has a problem you can solve
  • Increases your conversion rates.

Why is creating and offering an irresistible lead magnet a good idea for you AND your audience?

Fab for you

Lead magnets are a great thing to offer for you and your business, because:

They help you create a fab email list that not only helps you to build that all important know, like and trust with those who have signed up; in time you can make your offers to those on your list and create your steady flow of leads and clients.

Fab for your audience

Lead magnets help your audience to:

- Learn something valuable

- Save time

- Feel better about a problem they have

- Open their eyes to what’s possible for them

- Take action

- Know, like and trust you

The power of an irresistible lead magnet.

Signing up for your free content is their 'getting to know you' time.

This could be the first time they’ve been introduced to you, and they will form their first impression of you, and decide whether you are someone that they want to hear more from, and maybe buy from, or work with, at some point in the future.

So you want to make sure that their first impression is a good one!

A general rule of thumb is that you provide something that tells your prospects WHY they need to be doing something, and WHAT it is they need to do, but without telling them or giving them the HOW to do it.

Yes this makes sense but it’s not a rule you should completely stick to it in every case as you don’t want to give away everything that you know for free, but you do want to make a good first impression don’t you?

That's the rub.

Give Them What Is Real Value To Them

What I believe is great content is when you give them something that is of real value to them, something that is actionable content and impresses them and makes them want to hear more from you. (And ultimately helping them decide if you’re the right fit for them in the future, or not).

And this is where how well you know and understand your audience comes in.

What Do They Want Help With Right Now?

Time to ask yourself, what are they looking for help with, what do they need to know, what would be useful and interesting to them, what are they searching for answers to?

Do research if you need to.

Spend time finding out what their biggest worries/challenges/fears/doubts/ blocks are and help them to address that in your irresistible freebie and in the emails you send them to follow up with afterwards.

Questions To Ask Yourself When Creating Your Irresistible Lead Magnet

Thinking about your irresistible freebie then

  • What are the 3 questions your audience asks you the most?
  • What are your audience’s pain points?
  • What format would they love your lead magnet to be in?

Create a freebie that answers each of the questions you get asked the most. Be sure to address their pain point.40 Fab Freebie Ideas.

40 Fab Freebie Ideas 

Need ideas on a format you can offer or deliver your irresistible lead magnet in?

I've listed 40 ideas for you below:

  1. Access to all your previous fab freebies
  2. Audio
  3. Audio book
  4. Calendar
  5. Catalogue
  6. Challenge
  7. Cheat Sheet
  8. Checklist
  9. Desktop wallpaper
  10. Discounted coupon
  11. Early bird discount
  12. eBook
  13. Email course
  14. Event tickets
  15. Facebook group
  16. Free consultation
  17. Free quote
  18. Free trial
  19. Giveaway
  20. Guide
  21. Infographic
  22. Inspiration file or Ebook
  23. List of Upcoming events
  24. Newsletter
  25. Plan/Planner
  26. Printable
  27. Quiz
  28. Recipes
  29. Report
  30. Resource List
  31. Spreadsheet
  32. Survey
  33. Swipe file
  34. Template
  35. Toolkit
  36. Tutorial
  37. Video
  38. Waiting list
  39. Webinar
  40. Worksheet/Workbook

And if irresistible lead magnets sound like something your business could benefit from, check out my Beginners guide to creating irresistible lead magnets

Published by
Tracey Tait Marketing Coaching and Training

Tracey Tait Marketing Coaching and Training

Swalwell, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE16 3BE

07900 904850

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