
Greater Manchester Business School is Looking for Employers

The Greater Manchester Business School (GMBS) at the University of Bolton is looking to strengthen our connection to the local and regional economy, and build more links to businesses across the region who are interested in:

  • Employing motivated graduate and postgraduate candidates with excellent business qualifications
  •  Working with academic staff and student groups on projects to add value to your business (e.g. marketing, strategy, finance, HR, Supply Chain, operations)
  • Adding your ideas to our next generation of degree and postgraduate programmes
  • Offering placements, mini-projects or even internships
  • Working with the University to exploit new ideas and innovation faster and at scale

Do get in touch if you'd like to help to make the Region a true Business Powerhouse! 

Martin McAreavey - Head of Centre GMBS / 01204 903022 / 
