
? 5 reasons why talking about your prices is a good idea


Let’s imagine you’re asking yourself “Is writing content that talks about our prices and costs a good idea, or not?”

It can feel a bit icky talking about how much we charge.

But it’s not about you.

It’s about your potential clients and the information they need to decide to buy from you, or not.

Here are 5 reasons why I believe talking about your pricing, and your costs, is a great way to build that all-important trust with your audience.

1. Your audience wants and needs to know

How frustrating is it when you’re on a website and you can’t for the life of you find information about prices or costs?

My hubby is the first to complain.

Imagine this happening to your potential client when they visit your website.

  • How will they feel?
  • What will they think?
  • What action will they take?

Pricing is one of those things if not THE thing they use to help them decide to buy from you, or not.

Sharing your pricing and answering questions about your prices and costs can help you attract the clients that can afford you right now.

And answering the questions of those that need to know a little bit more, before they grab their credit card and buy, or not.

Why do I say ‘or not’?

Not everyone will buy from you.

You want to have clients that are right for you. Writing about your pricing and costs play their part in helping you achieve this.

And also you want client’s that are happy, so writing about how much you charge sprinkles an extra layer of happiness and fabulousness for them.  They know what’s what with the money side of things.

What about the ones that can’t afford you?

They were never going to being to afford you anyway so sharing information with them about your prices and costs has saved you both a bucket load of time.

No to-ing and fro-ing for either of you.

The last thing you want is to be spending your valuable time going backwards and forward with emails or calls to discover they can’t and could never afford you.

Have you lost them forever? Nope. When they can afford you, they may well be back.

 2. It gives you the chance to explain

In an article by the Harvard Business Review,  they tell us writing and talking about your prices and costs gives you a chance to explain your prices and costs to your potential client.

Customers commonly wonder why a price is set at a particular point, or why it has recently changed.”

And by creating content about your prices and costs helps create a “demystifying” affect.

They go on to say; explaining “How prices are set or changed can help establish a trusting relationship with customers.”

Which makes sense.

For your potential client to part with their cash or grab their credit card there needs to be trust.

People buy from those they know, like and trust.

3. You're going to have to answer the pricing and cost question anyway 

As Marcus Sheridan author of 'They ask you answer' reminds us:

You’re going to have to answer the question anyway so why not talk about your pricing and costs on your website.’

You might be thinking it’s going to take me ages to create content that talks about my prices and costs.

Of course it’s going to take you time, but imagine the time you’ll save in the long run.

All that content explaining your prices so you don’t have to.

And if you’re wondering what to say when it comes to your prices and costs, answers the questions you or your sales team gets asked frequently.

4. Your blog on your website is available 24/7 - you're not 

Your website doesn’t need to rest or sleep.

You and your team do.

Having content that answer your potential client’s questions on your website will be like having an extra member on your team.

Good stuff, eh?

Your website is a member of the team so let it do the heavy lifting when it comes to answering questions your potential client has about your prices and costs.

And when you get those emails asking for information about your prices or costs you can send them the link to your useful and helpful, jam-packed pricing and costing information loaded blogs and/or videos.

5. Talking about how much you charge helps you stand out 

As Mark Schaefer tells us in his book ‘Marketing Rebellion: The most human company wins’,

Trust must be integrated into how we connect with customers going forward.’

So talking about your pricing and costs will help you to build and grow this with your audience.

  • Explain why you’re expensive
  • Explain why you’re value for money
  • Explain why you want payment up front
  • Explain why you don’t take part-payment
  • Explain why you add on a delivery charge

If you can’t give a cast in stone answer to the pricing and costing questions your audiences asks, it’s okay to tell them ‘it depends’ but then be sure to explain what it depends on.

  • What makes your prices go up and what makes them come down?

If you were to ask a gardener how much he’d charge for mowing your lawn, he might answer “it depends” and it could depend on”:

  • Size
  • Current condition of your lawn (if your grass is tall enough to hide a pot-bellied pig he might just charge more ?)
  • Travel time for him to get to you

There you have it. Talking about your prices really does make sense. 

How useful would content that talks about your prices be to your potential client?

Published by
Tracey Tait Marketing Coaching and Training

Tracey Tait Marketing Coaching and Training

Swalwell, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE16 3BE

07900 904850

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