
How Kickstart can really help the younger generation.

Here at GLD, we chose to fill our vacant Administration role with a Kickstarter. We know this opportunity could be great for a younger person and could really help to get their career going. That’s why we decided to take on Hollie - and here’s what she had to say about it:

I’m Hollie. A 21-year-old who was looking for a job to support my lifestyle. I am currently working for GLD Technical Consulting Ltd as an Administrative Assistant. I found my job through the Kickstart programme. The programme offers six months of funding to a business, which allows for the employment a young person. I applied for GLD as I felt that I had the required knowledge for the role and that I would be a suitable fit. Before my brief moment of unemployment, I worked in sales which I didn’t really enjoy.

The whole process of securing my job was simple. I worked alongside a job coach to find a position that was suited to me. After around two weeks of searching, the job at GLD became available. I had an interview straight away and was offered the position there and then. One week later I started the job and I’m now 4 weeks in. So far, I have been answering the phone, filing a lot of paperwork, and helping to get the office back in order as they have been without Admin staff for quite a few months.

I decided to go with GLD as they were local, the staff seemed friendly (and have proven to be so far!) and of course they had the job that I had been looking for. Although I have only been here for a month, I have already gained mounds of experience. I have gotten into a routine which I haven’t had before, and it has really helped with my time management which is something I have struggled with in the past.

The experience so far has helped me get used to the working environment. The set shifts, early mornings and working five days a week is a lot to get used to. Joining GLD has eased me into this. My new routine allows me to be more organised both in and outside of work – something I will now take with me!

All in all, my short time with GLD has already been an amazing learning experience. I gained new skills and have overcome some personal challenges. Knowing that I have another five months of learning and working left makes me excited. I am hoping to get a job offer, but if I don’t, this certainly won’t be a wasted opportunity. I now have a wider range of both knowledge and experience that I can use to help me in my future ventures.

I would really recommend having a look at some kickstart schemes! Please feel free to reach out if you need any help with finding anything. 

