
Commercial Manager, Jackie Salt, shares her reflections of the past year…

“The pandemic has presented us with personal and professional challenges we never would have predicted – it has also served as a reminder of how important relationships are to us. Positive and genuine relationships have always been at the heart of the way we work. The pandemic has reinforced this as relationships with our colleagues, clients, and suppliers have enabled us to not only keep going- but to be in a strong and stable position to grow as we move forward.

Whether it’s offering support and advice, sharing concerns, or simply providing each other with much-needed motivation to keep going in the face of adversity, relationships have been the key factor to our success over the past year. For that, we are truly grateful.

Building authentic relationships has been made possible thanks to networking with local businesses; something we have invested in for many years. In 2017, we co-founded FubHub- a networking group based in Wigan that unites females in business.

Four years on, this networking group feels more like a family that has continued to support each other throughout the pandemic thanks to the power of Zoom – and now we’re busy planning our first face-to-face meeting in over a year!

Our commitment to the community has enabled us to develop strong bonds with local businesses, as we unite to help those in need on our doorsteps. Whilst volunteering and being proud patrons of Wigan Youth Zone we have been introduced to countless business people working with young people – many of whom will become the leaders of the future. To witness the charity adapt its support for young people during the pandemic has been incredibly inspiring.

We are also proud to be an active member of Professionals of Wigan, which has been a huge support for us over the past 3 years and our relationship with both the organisers Lisa McAllister and Jamie Grimshaw, and our fellow POW members continues to thrive.

As lockdown restrictions lift and our team continue to grow, we hope to build on these relationships. You are likely to meet me or our latest recruit and friendly face, Business Development Manager Sue France, at an event or networking meeting in Wigan or Manchester in the near future – perhaps at the next Networx4Business Manchester which Sue has recently joined!”

To join FubHub or catch up with Jackie for a friendly coffee, contact her today:
