
Four video types you should consider for your business


Video is widely accepted to be one of the most powerful tools for marketing and communication and it is growing in popularity. Our experience of working with many companies and brands over the past decade proves to us that video needs to feature amongst the marketing mix for any successful campaign.

Here’s four types of videos that have proven to be popular and successful. That is the very reason you will be familiar with the format, because they are successful many businesses use them. Don’t dismiss them from your plans when it comes to your marketing spend. Following tried and trusted formats can help generate a more reliable return than experimental projects.

Business Profile Films

You’ve probably seen dozens of examples and no doubt some questionable content. The aim of the film is usually to bring a human element to the company brand so forget having the Chief Exec sat behind a desk in his swanky office, not unless you are going for the 1980’s J.R. Ewing look. 

A more friendly approach is to feature your staff, they are usually the best and most expensive asset a business has. Feature the account manager, your creative team or the dispatch manager so your customers get to see how passionate your whole team are about delivering the best product or service possible and they get to ‘meet’ the person they may have spoken to many times over the phone or email.

Use the film to highlight your brands USP, even if you are selling the same product or service as a competitor what sets you apart from them? Do you have a unique way of working? Are you a small family business? Can visitors to your office meet the cute and friendly office dog? Don’t forget that your biggest USP is of course your staff so show them off. Click here for some examples from Bellyflop.

Business Case Studies

These are incredibly impactful as you and the client you have focussed your case study on will share and promote the film. This dual approach opens up your services and theirs to your respective networks and can help spark new connections. As you are both promoting the film to your networks this is a win-win situation.

It’s worth noting that because this is tried and tested there is a lot of this content out there so think about how you can make yours more impactful amongst your competitors. A word of caution though, make sure whatever you decide on is aligned with your brand image and personality. Depending on the price or profit margin of your product or service it may be best to hire a professional crew to produce a high-end film. 

Your starting point should be to decide what you consider would be an appropriate return on investment. How many new prospects would you need to attract and how many would need to convert to customers to cover the cost of the project? If your product or service has lower margins then this doesn’t necessarily make the idea prohibitive. Increased exposure may help you grow your audience bigger than you ever imagined or, attract new customers for other products or services you offer. Click here for some Bellyflop examples.

Product & Service Demos

If you have a product or service you would like to explain or if visualisation would be beneficial then a video can help. Video amongst your product or service details will do the job of explaining at whatever time suits your client, even if it’s out of your usual business hours.

Having a video demonstration available means that the presentation is delivered perfectly every time. It saves you time and it is available for clients to refer back to at a later date. In many instances it can also be used as a sales tool.

If your product or service is particularly complex then your demo film can be expanded into training or tutorial content. Helping and supporting staff and clients to learn more at a time and pace that suits them. Some Bellyflop examples can be seen here.

Event & Conference Films

Do you remember that pre-COVID world where we were able to attend conferences, exhibitions and trade shows? Do you have video content from your previous events you could utilise to promote your business? As these events make a comeback plan video into your event. Create a highlight film to showcase to customers and staff what you did and add visitor comments.

Did you present one of the keynote speeches or was your stand simply amazing? Footage from your event or conference can be useful to incorporate into future video projects as part of an annual review film or showcasing your business. 

If you host an annual team building day or need to share the CEO’s latest announcement with staff, video is a great way to ensure the same information is disseminated to everyone. Absentees and new starters can always familiarise themselves with the latest company objectives at a later date. Bellyflop have collated a few examples here.

Where do I go from here?

There are a lot of things to consider before implementing your video strategy but the first decision has to be whether you will hire a professional or take a DIY approach. Your budget will most likely influence your decision but, if your budget allows then you won't regret hiring a professional team.

For many years Bellyflop has advocated using your own technology to create video content. Most of us have an HD or 4K camera in our pockets or on our desks in the form of a smartphone. These can work well, especially if your video strategy is to capture content in a very natural, unscripted way.

If you want a high-quality and professional film with great sound and high production values, you will not achieve them with your iPhone, no matter how many apps, filters or tools you download. 

Even if you are going for a more natural look to your videos, a professional can help you achieve that more successfully, because of their experience in everything from lighting and framing to editing and capturing quality audio.

If you would like to discuss your ideas and your video content strategy then the team of video experts at Bellyflop would be delighted to help. You can arrange a no-obligation Zoom conference by clicking here or on “schedule a discovery call” on the home page of the Bellyflop website. 

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