
Emma Astley, feature article in Protection Guru 02/07/2020

How sharing our experiences can make you a better adviser & make the clients journey more personal.

Having been in the insurance industry for over 10 years now, I have always wanted to help others in order to make the clients journey more relaxed and understood.

Insurance is so important to me. Having been through the loss of our daughter & been through the stress of having no insurance in place, we share our journey and experiences to help other families

I wanted to reach out & show the importance of sharing our stories, along with raising awareness about the importance of insurance. I’m hoping that my article in the Protection Guru, will help educate and support advisers in the industry to be more personal and not be so ‘scripted’

We can still be compliant and help clients understand the cover that’s needed in order to protect them as a family. We just need to be more personal and understand and listen to ours clients to help support them further.

Insurance is something that’s in me due to what we faced, so I hope I can help educate advisers to make them more personal and help as many families as possible get cover that’s needed should the worse happen.

We are here to help our clients, so working together helps us become stronger.

Read the article here ->
