
Consistent, Professional Recruitment


At Fresh Perspective we are absolutely baffled when a client turns around to us and says,  ‘shall we wait until after Christmas to start our recruitment process?’ This an eye roll, facepalm moment every time, and this year before November had started, we had already heard this from two clients. That would be a two-month wait before even starting to recruit for positions that they already had open… 

Two months before we could start finding them the superstar candidates that they deserve. Two months before they could grow their team to fulfil their business growth and client delivery. 

So no, recruitment doesn’t stop at any point in the year. An emphasis on consistent professional recruitment throughout the year, in line with your business growth plan, is the best approach to be successful and to hit those business goals that you set yourself. 

Why should recruitment be consistent? 

There are many advantages to consistent recruitment, but the main one is that in essence, your business should always be growing. You will need to create more, deliver more and reach out to more people. You and your current team can only achieve so much more of these processes until your delivery, products, and sales funnel start to suffer because your team is stretched thin and overworked. 

This is a true negative when it comes to recruitment as by this point your reputation may have suffered and it may be difficult for anyone to find you those superstar candidates to join your now tarnished team. Instead think about how easy it would be to include constant recruitment into your business goals and then manage this with us, at Fresh Perspective, throughout the whole year. 

Should you consider outsourcing your recruitment? 

Well, we are going to give a slightly biased answer here, aren’t we… 

But yes! We are professionals in the industry, offering a unique pricing model and service that holds you, the client, at the core. We have experience in multiple sectors and we are transparent and truthful when it comes to recruitment. Alongside this, we are here all year round to support you. As we have said recruitment should be consistent and we promise to reflect that in our support. 

Why should you consider Fresh Perspective? At Fresh, we can work with you to include recruitment in your business growth and expansion plans. We can set realistic and achievable goals that allow you to keep us on a retained basis so we are able to support you with consistent professional recruitment. 

Your business shouldn’t have to wait two months before it can grow, and you really don’t want to wait that long either. Superstar candidates look for amazing new careers all year round, and you don’t want to miss out on them! 

Before reading this article, did you believe that recruitment has a cut off period before December? If so why! Please connect and tell us as we would love to know where this myth started from! 

Have a great week! 

Fresh Perspective Resourcing

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Fresh Perspective Resourcing Ltd

Fresh Perspective Resourcing Ltd

Yarrow Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 0LP


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