
2019 From redundancy to leading a region


What a year it's been, truly bonkers in some respects and now with exciting new plans for next year, with the help of the team at Lancashare, I fully believe that 2020 is going to be fantastic for us as a region.

At the start of the year, my wife Lynn and I had full-time employment but then disaster struck we both got made redundant on the last day of February, for some people that would totally derail them but for Lynn and myself we just rolled up our sleeves and cracked on.

Lynn got her online training platform plans underway to deliver outstanding quality to the health and social care sector and I launched my marketing company and both are going from strength to strength.

I'm a big fan of face to face networking and have some fantastic groups, some are very unique, others are very focussed on referrals and every one of them all has their place.

The network I'm part of is called 4networking, you may have heard of them, some of you may have even been to a meeting in the past or maybe a member, over the last 3 months I have risen up the management structure to now reaching the top role for the Lancashire & Cumbria region with 5 groups currently under my wing with more on the way in 2020, which I'm buzzing about.

I'm passionate about Lancashire, I absolutely love our county and that's why I became a member of Lancashare as I truly believe our spend should stay within the county and I love what Lisa and the team are building for us.

So a funny old year in some respects but very excited for next year too.

Looking forward to getting to know about your businesses in the new year and becoming an active member of the Lancashare network, if anyone fancies a chat sometime feel free to message.

Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year to you all.

All the best


P.s I met Rudolph at our event yesterday, networking doesn't have to be boring ;)  

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The Business Transformer

The Business Transformer

Bunker Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR4

07714 850425

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