
The 2020 Inspire Awards Launch


2020 Inspire Awards Launch

The 2020 Inspire Awards, the 6th event of its kind, will be on June27th in the Premier Suite at the University of Bolton. 

The 2020 Inspire Awards launch took place on November 20th at Reflections Suite, in the Bolton Whites Hotel.

From small beginnings, with the first ceremony being held at Slaterfield Community Centre, Inspire Awards has grown exponentially. From its beginnings as a way of recognising the work of exceptional women in our lives, business and communities , Inspire Awards is open open for nominations from all over the North West of England.

Last Wednesday, at the official launch, Gulnaz Brennan, Founder of Inspire Awards, welcomed guests with a speech in which she outlined her mission and her vision for the future of this now prestigious awards event, which celebrates stories of inspiration by remarkable women who all too often neither seek nor receive recognition for their often selfless work in our communities.

Gulnaz introduced three Ambassadors for the Inspire Awards, whose role will be to promote and enhance a culture of recognition for the achievements of women in our communities: Edith Conn OBE DL JP, Deputy Lieutenant of Greater Manchester and President of the Manchester Red Cross; Sergeant Amanda Edwards from the RAF Special Engagement team, North, and Jackie Hyde, award-winning Managing Director of Stanmore Insurance Ltd and headline sponsor of the 2020 Inspire Awards. Each of the three women spoke for a few moments about their pride in assuming their role as Ambassadors.

Gulnaz spoke too about the #100Hours Inspire Pledge, in which winners pledge to give back 100 hours of their time to communities via nominated charities and introduced Jill Caldwell, CEO of Endeavour, who updated everyone on how her charity has benefited from #100Hours Inspire Pledge. Dr Trish Houghton, NW Inspire Woman of the Year 2019, worked and supported Endeavour Charity and how it’s still ongoing. 

Gold Sponsors for the 2020 Inspire Awards are Bolton at Home, the Royal Air Force and Scan Computers. Shauna Morton, Investment Manager at Bolton at Home, talked about how inspirational Gulnaz had been, how pleased Bolton at Home were to be sponsors. 

For the 2020 awards, a number of ‘Category Leads’ have been appointed to help promote and encourage nominations for each of the categories and Steph Sherratt, CEO of Breaking Barriers NW, talked about her role.

The afternoon concluded with a panel discussion - “Why is Reward & Recognition Important?” - moderated by Ray Hanks, business consultant and Trustee of Gorton Monastery. Panel members were Mona Patel, Lisa Edge, Maura Jackson, Chris Dawes and Nickala Torkington, all previous Inspire Awards winners.

Nominations are now open and will close on 31st January 2020.

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