
Calling all Temporary and Relief chef as EOTHO goes mental!


With the governments incentive "eat out to help out" the temporary market for chefs has gone through the roof.  Some restaurant businesses doing over 2000 covers a week to others feeding 100 covers in a day which is way more than they would see Monday-Wednesday.  Our clients are repeatedly saying it's been a huge hit but a great strain as some staff have not returned after furlough.

I personally called 20 restaurants in the Chorley area on Tuesday to be informed "we are full” music to my ears but not my tummy. 

 Clients are booking chefs with us Monday to Thursday and giving the temp staff the weekend off.  This is unheard of in usual climates.

One chef clocked over 20 plus hours on his timesheet working just Monday and Tuesday.  The gastro pub had done over 500 covers and was struggling in the unusual heat of the kitchen and the shear volume. 

One clients states 

"Monday to Wednesday is the new SUPER WEEKEND.  I would say that number of covers Mon to Wed have doubled the average weekend covers!!
This week has been even busier that last week. We have our seen number's increase on the week from Monday to Wednesday.  We are quickly adapting and getting more BOH & FOH staff in to cope with the demand"

So the hot whisper on the grapevine is the scheme is so welcomed that it may well be increased to October.  This is a much needed boost to the industry.

As a SME we need more chefs and front of house staff to cope with the demand.  We are reading of huge redundancies however we as a business are still finding it difficult to recruit and retain good chefs.  

Over lockdown we lost some of our core team who have worked with us for many years.  They will be sadly missed, they have been and integral part of our growth over the years.  These candidates have moved to the like's of Amazon, Tesco and Morrisons.  As an employer I totally understand their need of job security.  However they do leave a huge gap, these guys were honest, reliable and good at what they did.  

If anyone knows staff looking for temporary or permanent work please get in contact!

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Perfect Recruitment Ltd

Perfect Recruitment Ltd

Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 7ND

01257 264264

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