
The Family Business Network: a day out in the hills.

On the 1st October we led two groups of walkers, of varying levels of ability, up and into the hills above our base, in the beauty village of Glenridding in the heart of the Lake District.

The day itself had been organised by The Family Business Network, also members of Cumbriashare, and it was a delight to be working with Sue & Dave, as well as new members of their team Matt and Rebecca.

We met at our offices under dark skies, strong winds and falling temperatures. Coffees and flapjacks were taken while we made some decisions on how the day would unfold. We have guided walkers in the hills for over 5 years now and we know to always have a plan B, or C, or D. With the Ullswater Steamers not running due to the high winds, one of the groups had to have their route changed so we decided to go as one big group, and then split after an hour, the first group staying at low level along the valley, with group 2 going up high to venture towards the summit.

The first section was great as we could talk to the whole group, with Nicola explaining some of the routes, naming the peaks and trails that we could see, as well as being a constant supply of knowledge that the group appreciated. 

Both groups had a fantastic day out, with weather could have been kinder, but it also could have been worse, the rain that had threatened didn't appear so at least we stayed mainly dry.

We organise days out and guided walks for all levels of fitness, ability and expertise, if you are interested in discussing a tailor made day to suit you, your family or your colleagues please email:  We also have monthly mountain and low level adventures in the Lakes, The Red Deer rutting season is now upon us and these are out next walks coming up, to go and hear them in the heart of the Martindale Valley.  Our speciality is also Navigation Tuition and Nordic Walking Courses, these are also listed on our website at 

We would love to see you out and about in The Lakes, so do come and join us.
