
Reasons to host a 'charity' clay pigeon shoot in Cumbria.

Some of you will have seen that we, at Napthens LLP, hosted a charity clay shoot last week at the fabulous Graythwaite Estate in Cumbria.

It was an important event because:

1. it was in aid of the Cumbria Community Foundation (The CCF) and we raised c£6,000 

2. it was probably the first time for many to get together, safely, face to face, in a long time, in an AONB and there were lots of smiles and laughter albeit in some rain which made no difference to the day. Takes networking to another level - c.70 people in varying degrees of waxed clothing and green wellies...

3. it was at capacity, as an event which, bearing in mind how far people travelled and how quickly the day sold, tells me that people really value the of being outdoors amongst like-minded professionals but at a unique event.

4. it was hosted in Cumbria - a county we love to support and work within: without doubt the most picturesque holiday destination in the UK and one which almost 48 million people visited in 2019, contributing £3.13 billion to the local economy and supporting 65,500 jobs.

5. The CCF is a crucial Cumbrian charity we have pledged our support to and will continue to do so given the county's needs through The Napthens Foundation.

6. It demonstrated the teamwork from the Napthenites to put this together.

We are truly grateful to everyone who attended and supported this event. Thanks again Everyone and we'll see you next year.
