
Local family business gives away a week of shopping time to local businesses

Cumbrian family business, Stan Sherlock Associates, has given each member of staff extra time off to use for local Christmas shopping.

Stan Sherlock Associates, wants staff to use this extra holiday time to support local businesses in the run up to Christmas, and has applied 3 rules:

1.The time must be used to go shopping in a local location, anywhere in Cumbria.

2.The time must be used to buy something local. Something sold by a locally run outlet, something from a local artist, or something created here in our county.

3.Each member of staff must take a selfie with the item they bought in front of the local shop they bought it from.

The plan is to further support local businesses with the selfies after Christmas.  All selfies will be edited and pulled together in a social media post, just in time for the sales. Obviously, some of the items bought will be Christmas presents, so, the big reveal of who the staff supported and what wonderful things they bought, won’t be published until the 27th December.

Chief Operating Officer Emma Sherlock said: “We’re a local family business and like to support our fellow local businesses.  Normally we run a Christmas competition, but this year, we decided to do things a little differently.  It’s been a busy and unusual year, so we wanted to combine a reward for the team with a big effort to support our local artists and tradespeople.  This seemed like a win win situation! Everyone gets a little more down-time and our local businesses get an extra week’s worth of shopping from SSA!”

Sandra Sproat, SSA’s Office Manager said: “I think it’s a lovely, creative idea and I know the staff will really appreciate the extra time to get their Christmas gifts sorted. We all work really hard and to know we now have some allocated time put to one side by Emma and Bobby will really help in the run up to the festive season.  Not only that, but to also be able to support other family businesses and local artists or retailers, is a fantastic community focused idea. I’ve lived in Cumbria all my life and to be able to support the economy in my home county is very important to me.” 

For more information about Stan Sherlock Associates, please contact the team on 01228 598821 or visit