
GBTV Goes Live....

During the pandemic GB Shared bravely launched GBTV, our new YouTube & Podcast Channels in a bid to give NW businesses a louder voice.

GB Shared aims to bring about county-wide collaboration between businesses and stimulate local economies through sharing of resources and opportunities so no one misses out.

As each share site continued to hear both, amazing and harrowing stories, from across the NW Network of Share members, they realised they simply had to be shared.

Recording the online interviews with businesses, has been pretty incredible and despite only being in our 4th week of sharing via YouTube and Buzzsprout, some amazing stories have already been revealed... 

In week 3, CEO of Age UK Lancashire, Teri Stephenson, shared how the pandemic had affected the charity who provide vital front line services to those at most risk of CoVid 19, last week we interviewed Danny Simpson, MD of MID Communications in Manchester to find out how he went from Rochdale lad to CEO of a multi million pound turnover company!

We are asking all our member to show their support for fellow businesses by subscribing to our channel, all it takes is a click and if you're extra kind, a share!
