Wills and Estate Planning Legal Services

Wills and Estate Planning Legal Services in Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland

Westward Court, Tyne and Wear, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE5 5LP

07878 357781

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Here to advise people on how to best preserve their assets for future generations.

Having been involved in the financial services and legal services sectors since 1989, I have developed a vast amount of knowledge within these industries.

Since 2010, I have been purely focused on Estate Planning, to help people who have accrued wealth and assets during their working lifetimes, in order to protect them and ensure they are still available to pass on to loved ones.

This is achieved firstly, by creating clients Lasting Power of Attorney documents for both Property & Financial Affairs and Health and Welfare. Should a person then lose Mental capacity at some point, they have already legally appointed whom they want to act on their behalf as attorneys and not have to go through the terribly slow and expensive legal process of having to apply via the Court of Protection.

We also help to create Family Trusts, in order to protect assets held within these Trusts, to ensure they are protected during a persons lifetime and still available to pass on to loved ones after death.
Wills are also created, to legally state how all of your assets are shared out accordingly, to your named beneficiaries.

Probate is the legal process to ensure all debts and taxes are settled on the Estate before the main assets are then shared out amongst the named beneficiaries within the Will. We offer a discreet Probate service in order to fulfil this process.

However, with good estate planning, Probate can be completely avoided and save on legal fees and time restraints etc.

Business Lasting Powers Of Attorney (BLPA) are something very few business owners are aware of along with Business Wills. These allow you to completely separate your personal affairs from your business affairs, which can create terrible, but avoidable consequences.

Remember, for good estate planning to be successful, it needs to be set up at the right time and for the right reasons. Waiting until something goes wrong and it is needed, is very often too late.

Opening times
Day Open Open time Close time
Monday Open
Tuesday Open 9:00am 5:00pm
Wednesday Open 9:00am 5:00pm
Thursday Open 9:00am 5:00pm
Friday Open 9:00am 5:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
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Wills and Estate Planning Legal Services Wills and Estate Planning Legal Services
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