
What are the Marketing Trends for 2021 that I need to Plan for Now?

The key marketing trends for 2021 to start planning for now in B2B and B2C are:

  1. innovation
  2. digital experiences
  3. growth from partnerships

These are just three trends that are set to make an impact in 2021. Our findings are supported by the latest insights from the June CMO Survey and Salesforce’s “State of Marketing” report.

Read on and we will show you how to prime your marketing strategy for changing B2B and B2C marketing landscapes. Also, discover with us how marketing leaders are gearing up for 2021.

With Covid-19 disruption, many marketers must adapt and forge a new path for 2021. Getting left behind will not cut it in the competitive, post-pandemic markets and so we have done the hard work for you with this guide. We hope you enjoy reading it.
