
Virtual Check In launches providing safe, secure, contactless access, as COVID-19 lockdown measures ease

Virtual Check In launched last week, the brainchild of a group of businessmen. The new cloud-based, safe, secure and contactless check in solution is designed for any and every business required to hygienically record people coming in and out of their venue or premises to meet government guidelines, as the UK eases out of lockdown.

With 79% of the UK adult population owning at least one smart phone, this innovative solution makes use of people’s phone camera to scan a unique code for the business or venue they are entering.

This easy to use Virtual Check In means anyone working at or visiting an office, hotel, pub, construction site or other venues can safely and securely register once for that location using their phone’s camera. This gives them current and future contactless access, to sign-in and check out from that place in a clean and socially distanced manner, via their own phone camera. The business/venue has no kit to invest in, no paperwork to complete, and there are no apps to download. The whole Virtual Check In is fast, hygienic, and simple.

To become a subscriber, businesses sign up to a low-cost, high-value monthly subscription to Virtual Check In, which also gives them access to a cloud-based dashboard showing their visitors’ arrivals and departures by date, time, month, and year. It can record bespoke data each different business needs, and sort attendees data by employees and other categories, as required.

The business displays their own unique QR code on a screen or printed signage with the clear check in instructions provided. Their employees, customers or other visitors just need a working camera app on a switched-on smartphone. And that’s it.

The whole registration process takes 30-60 seconds to autofill the necessary personal details, and then 10-20 seconds for the subsequent sign-in and confirmation process. Check out is by a simple push of the check out button or auto check out feature.

Step 1 – Initial registration users will need to scan the site-unique QR code and provide their name and contact details.

Step 2 – Verification using a unique code sent to the user by email

Step 3 – Confirmation and Check in to confirm COVID-19 status, and any other detail required (such as car registration, membership number, number of persons visiting etc)

Step 4 – Check out by scanning the QR code or pressing the “check out” button 

A customer, employee or other visitor’s first registration requires all four steps, subsequent visits to any Virtual Check In location, only require steps three and four.

Bolton businessman Rich Williams, of Straight Line Communications, co-owner and one of the creators of Virtual Check In said, “The social distancing requirements of COVID-19 made us realise that people want to sign-in to hospitality, leisure and business premises without the risk of physically handling or touching pens and paper, or swiping iPads, that other people will have recently also handled. Neither will reception and other employees wish to be exposed to any unnecessary risk by this sort of transaction.”

Co-owner, Kenny Steele of Pinnacle Visualisation continued, “Out of this need, Virtual Check In was born, created by our commercially astute team who are used to developing software and securing data for the needs of high-volume businesses, and working in partnership with consumer-facing and office or factory-based businesses. We understand the solution had to be fast, hassle-free, administratively simple, easy to understand and use, and cost-effective at a time when many organisations are rightly concerned about cash flow. We believe Virtual Check In meets all these needs and more.”

Using the strapline; Safe Secure Contactless, Rich, Kenny and partners believe the benefits, which include all attendees declaring their COVID-19 status on each visit; maintaining hygiene, sanitation and social distancing; compliance with GDPR; straightforward reporting and administration; and adherence to government guidance; as well as peace of mind for all users, speak for themselves.

“Our customers,” added Rich, “are looking for solutions that are clean, hygienic and environmentally friendly, and this ticks all the boxes, in fact, some of my clients including Hepworth and Hall Opticians and Alan Bowen Optometrists are amongst the early adopters of this service.”

Any business interested in signing up for Virtual Check In should contact the team at or go to for more details, as well as follow Virtual Check In on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
