
Small Local Companies Don’t Win? Really?!


120 companies competed for a place on a 9-year Social Care contract. They ranged in size from

multi-million turnover groups to micro-businesses.  My client is a start-up micro-business, who

decided to take on the “Big Boys”.

Joyce Pemberton of Tender writing Services told us “my client asked me to research, write and

submit a tender on their behalf. They were one, of only 8 successful companies out of 120, who bid

for this tender”

“Not only will this win transform my client’s business, grow sales, and provide a guaranteed level of

income for the next 9-years, my client now has the confidence to explore similar business

opportunities with local government and healthcare authorities.”

What was the winning score?

Criteria Weighting % Our Score

Quality              80 69.6/80

Social Value 20 20/20

Total Score 100 89.6/100

“We achieved a perfect score for Social Value, with only a few points less for Quality. Proof that

small companies can win BIG. In today’s coronavirus climate now is not the time to stop selling, now

is the time to plan and have the confidence to go out there and win new business!”

If Managing Director’s reading this post would like help, guidance and the support of a company

proven company in winning new business, Direct Message Joyce Pemberton, M.D of Tender Writing

Services via LinkedIn or contact via the Konsortia Group.

Contact Joyce on 01260 299451 or e-mail 

Joyce Pemberton of Tender Writing Services is a Partner with Konsortia, a business group dedicated

to winning local business for SME’s in the property and construction sector in the North West.

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Tender Writing Services

Tender Writing Services

Manchester, Greater Manchester

01260 299451

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