
Lessons Learned – a way to help you improve winning new business?


All companies want to win more business, gain better clients, and win much higher value, contracts. There are a number of tactics you can use to help improve win rate, and one of those tactics is to conduct a lesson’s learned exercise at the end of each proposal submission, benefiting from the experience whilst still fresh in people’s minds.

How many of you have taken the time to complete lessons learned, and why you might ask, is there a need to do this?

Whether you win or lose, completing a lesson’s learned exercise shortly after submission will help your company to understand where you are excelling and identify areas of improvement. Lesson’s learned allows you to document and share observations, opinions, findings and conclusions and over time, give you the ability to analyse trends and look for common themes, which can be shared with your team.

Understanding these trends will allow you to pinpoint the things that enabled you to score well or provide you with reasons why you are not winning. Assessing the health of business development and capturing win-rates is one measure to adopt, but conducting lessons learned after each proposal win or lose is really a critical part of the process, we recommend you adopt.

Speak to a professional today and get in touch directly with Tender Writing Services if you would like to learn more on 01260 299451 or via the Mancheshare website

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Tender Writing Services

Tender Writing Services

Manchester, Greater Manchester

01260 299451

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