
GB Shared now in 9 UK Regions - with their national journey on the horizon

GB Shared are delighted with how Northeast England has embraced sharing...  Launching just 2 months ago, the first 100 places are almost gone in their fastest moving region.

Businesses, colleges, charities and many more are 'sharing' in the way GB Shared always intended, bringing the business community together under one sharing umbrella, Northeastshare and centralising the regions resources for all to access.

GB Shared Founder, Lisa Edge said, 'we've brought 4 counties under our north east sharing platform and boy are they embracing it.  Huge thanks must go to the core support team in NE, led by NE ambassador Paul Lawton of Chat Heroes and Active CSR.  Paul leads our sharing platform across the northeast region and is sharing with businesses from County Durham to Tees Valley through to Northumberland and Tyne & Wear, he's on a mission and his support has been instrumental'.

There's more good news for GB Shared too following on from International Women's Day when Lisa Edge was announced winner of Innovate UK's annual Women In Innovation award.  With UK Government committing to procuring locally and sustainably, Innovate UK will support GB Shared over the coming year to position them as the UK's sustainable marketplaces & supply chain register.  Members across the North have been busy registering for the accreditation with the first members through and populating the register.  GB Shared, via their sustainable marketplaces will place a sustainable supply chain list in every UK region.

Why not start sharing today?
