
Datacentreplus wins 'Innovation in Business' category at the ABL Awards 2020

We’re very pleased to announce, Mashukul Hoque, Founder and CEO at Datacentreplus, has been named as the winner of the ‘Innovation in Business’ category at the 2020 Asian Business Leaders Awards

The Asian Business Leaders Awards recognises individuals and businesses that have reached national and global success and are based in the Greater Manchester area. 

The awards ceremony, which took place at the Vermilion Bar and Restaurant, provided an opportunity to celebrate the enormous impact of businesses which promote the value of leadership, innovation and service.

A total of nine awards category and finalists were announced on the evening, alongside the Innovation in Business category:

Successful Application of Digital Media

Business Growth Nationally 

Digital Transformation 

Business in The Community 

Leadership in Healthcare

Professional Services

Leadership in the Food Industry

Excellence in Customer Service 

Mashukul Hoque, commenting on winning the award, says:

“It is tremendous to have been named as the winner of the Innovation in Business category at the second annual Greater Manchester ABL Awards. 

“We were rewarded for our innovative work for our cloud hosting platform, which took 12 months to develop and launch.  I’d like to thank all the team at Datacentreplus, especially our engineers for their continued support and commitment, who have played such an important role in our success over the last five years.”
