
Consultant elected to committee of Britain’s oldest safety group

As well as his work with KSH Safety Services, their health and safety consultant, Kevin Heywood, has been elected to the  voluntary role of Publicity Officer for Lancashire Occupational Health and Safety Group, Britain's oldest safety group. 

Formed in 1930, it was established by a handful of businesses who were all becoming increasingly concerned at the growing rate and severity of accidents in their factories during the years following the end of the First World War. 

LOHSG is aimed at anyone in the north west with an interest in health and safety in the workplace, or even who has health and safety as part of their role in any sector. 

In normal times, the group meets monthly, providing members with the opportunity to network, discuss issues affecting them, and to listen to presentations on a wide range of health and safety themes. In the current pandemic, meetings have gone online, and the group's committee is currently devising a programme for 2021.

Kevin was elected at their AGM earlier this week. 

At the meeting, the first to be held virtually due to the ongoing pandemic, the group’s Honorary President, Robert Cunningham, himself  a member for sixty years, gave everyone in the health and safety profession some very wise and uplifting words of encouragement.

He said, “We could feel that not a lot has been happening in the world of health and safety this year - very little by way of meaningful legislative change or new standards - but for those of you on the front line, carrying out your roles, I’m sure it has never felt more challenging.”

He went on to add, “The role of the Health and Safety Professional has never stood still. Many of us are now better informed about microbiological hazards and transmission than we ever had to be. Our training and our experience equips us to deal with the unusual and unexpected and to learn quickly about whatever is facing us. This is standing us in good stead under the current conditions. 

“This has been an enormous opportunity to demonstrate our skills and genuinely make a difference. We are being looked to for leadership and action and for sensible and consistent input into risk-based decision making. Our value is being truly recognised.”

More information on the group:
