
5 minutes with...Ryan.

How did you get here?

My passion for the industry stemmed from my roles working with CAD, and for a steel profiling company. Doing this led me to studying architectural technology at University. I took a liking to BIM and so decided GLD would be the perfect place for my yearlong placement.

Since joining the team, what have you been doing?

I have been at GLD for 2 years now and I am really enjoying it! I ended up staying after my placement ended and switched my University to part-time. I mainly do CAD, drawings, surveying and some Revit work. I have discovered a real love for Revit and these jobs are the ones that I most enjoy. I also deal with client issues and try my best at resolving them.

Talk to us about some of your favourite projects.

My first project before GLD was working independently for an architect. I mainly created domestic plans and completed elevations. It was nice to complete some ad hoc work. I originally joined GLD with a temporary contract. I was thrown right into action and worked on the Tameside A&E Streaming project. It was nice to be put straight into a job and gave me some valuable experience right from the start.

My favourite job pre-GLD would have to be a project that I completed for my mum’s boss. It was basically to design a tent that would be a permanent fixture in Malawi, Africa. He wanted me to do some drawings for him to take over for when he went over to help with the language barrier. I really enjoyed it as it was something very different to what I normally do. When at GLD I think my favourite project would have to be Green Bank School. It was the first project that I could use Revit for, and I really enjoy working with Revit. It’s my favourite software!

What do you like most about your job?

I have really enjoyed my time at GLD. I have learnt a lot working with M&E services and now have some strong skills in that sector. I knew I wanted to work in BIM in the future nut it covers so much that I didn’t know what area to go into. Working at GLD has made me realise that I want to go down the route of M&E services.

Ryan tells us how he is “eager to see how GLD progresses into BIM level 3 and I cannot wait to see where BIM can take this industry!”
