
Tender Response launches new analytics service to predict market trends

Tender Response has announced the launch of a new consultancy service, Tender Analytics, designed to revolutionise the way businesses approach tendering. With a focus on analysing past, present and future tenders, Tender Analytics provides critical insights to help businesses understand market trends and stay competitive.

Tender Analytics gives businesses a comprehensive understanding of their target markets to help them develop winning bid responses. This approach enables companies to anticipate shifts in demand and position themselves strategically.

“We’re excited to introduce Tender Analytics as part of Tender Response’s expanding suite of services,” said Vicky Poole, Tender Response director. “Our new service will enable businesses to make informed decisions based on data and insight, ensuring they are competitive and responsive to market changes.”

Tender Analytics empowers companies through the knowledge needed to predict market trends and respond proactively. By offering a detailed view of the competitive landscape, the service supports Tender Response’s clients to develop compelling bids and improve their chances of winning contracts.

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About Tender Response

We offer customised support to lead you into contracts for work in the public sector.

Tender Response will find tenders and grants for your business, review and qualify them to identify critical framework requirements, analyse your responses (if you wish to write them yourself), and/or manage the entire process on your behalf, including the writing. Your response will meet the framework criteria: every dot and comma.

Plus, we can oversee the procurement portals to submit all your tender documents.

Tender Response has a positive working relationship with Crown Commercial Services, which governs procurement procedures across all UK-wide frameworks and ensures that all tender responses meet their minimum requirement level.

Not all tender writing consultants are the same. Get in touch with us to find out more.

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Tender Response Limited

Tender Response Limited

20 Valley Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 3NF

0203 9300664

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