
Staff Morale - The Stats


Morale can have a huge impact on your workplace – it can influence productivity, retention of staff and the general wellbeing of colleagues. And I'm sure we've all had the experience of a persons level of morale whether positive or not impacting on your morale, attitude and focus - I know I have both positively and negatively. Plus I own up influencing others too.

Recent stats show that:

?57% of UK employees are not engaged at work (Gallup)

?61% of entry level employees experience burnout, compared to 43% of senior management (Career Builder)

?44% of team members don’t understand the impact they have in their role (Ceridian)

?76% of employees agree that workplace culture affects their productivity (Eagle Hill Consulting)

?Employees that are disengaged make 60% more errors in their work (Achievers)

This gives me a sense that low morale may make employees more likely to be absent, costing businesses or organisations unnecessary money, and causing disruption to the rest of the team. The way we feel is a direct result of those that influence us and the thoughts we think. These stats are high, they may be shocking, however we know there is a light at the end of this tunnel. 

Understanding what is causing the low morale and thinking more logically and rationally rather than reasoning with your mood changes the way you look at things. Ultimately this channels your emotional energy differently, so frustration becomes motivation, confusion becomes curiosity, worry becomes calm.

Your Mindset is the most powerfull thing you own!

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Grow Your Mindset

Grow Your Mindset

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07803 909838

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