
Roast 'n' Toast 2.0 LAUNCH PARTY!

We are going again!

It’s almost 12 months since we launched what we thought would be a coffee chat for a few weeks.

What we actually created was a unique space of trust and support, fun and conversation.

A place to genuinely COME AS YOU ARE!

It’s an environment where I feel as comfortable, if not more comfortable talking about my mental health than I do with some of my lifelong friends.

I know however I’m feeling when I join, I’ll always be better when I leave. The people and the conversation are what make it.

One of the best parts of my week. I know that I’m fully accepted as I am on that day, with real life, positive mental health support thrown in for good measure.

As things change (AGAIN), we know Wednesday mornings won’t work for everyone, so we bring you Roast n Toast 2.0.

EXTRA space.
EXTRA time.
SAME Roast 'n' Toast.

Come to one, come to both, come for the first time, come with a mate…COME AS YOU ARE.

Every 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:30pm. Starts Monday 12th April 2021. to join the party!

