
Over 70% of contracts are on Frameworks - Are you on one?

If you're a business looking to work with the public sector, using frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) can make the process much easier. These tools help you connect with government contracts without the hassle of traditional tendering.

A whopping 74% of contracts are procured via Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems. if you're not on one, then you're missing out! Literally!

Framework Agreements are like pre-set contracts. They outline the terms and conditions for buying goods and services over a period of time. This means that once you're on a framework, public sector buyers can easily find and work with you. Frameworks cover a wide range of areas, from facilities management and construction to IT services and more. Being part of a framework can boost your visibility and make it simpler to win contracts. In fact, a significant portion of public sector work is awarded through frameworks, with some estimates suggesting that frameworks account for billions of pounds of public sector expenditure in the UK alone

Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) are even more flexible. Unlike frameworks, new suppliers can join a DPS at any time if they meet the criteria. Everything is done electronically, which speeds up the process. DPS is great for commonly used goods and services, and it keeps the market open and competitive. This means more opportunities for businesses to innovate and grow.

Both frameworks and DPS are fantastic for businesses wanting to expand in the public sector. They simplify the procurement process and provide ongoing chances to compete for contracts, ensuring a steady flow of business opportunities.

Where do you go to find frameworks?

Heres a good place -

But admittedly it doesn't have everything as there are some frameworks that are created by Procurement Organisations such as YPO.

For a proper search for frameworks, why not book a 15 minute call with Tender Response - there's a lot that we can get through in 15 minutes!

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Tender Response Limited

Tender Response Limited

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