
Operation Protect is to help local businesses through the current crisis


Faz Patel is Managing Director of thebestofbolton – the marketing and support organisation that currently has 67 local member businesses of all kinds.

She has compiled a 36-page booklet called Operation Protect and explained: “We are on a mission to help local businesses in Bolton.

“We have put together this booklet on how small businesses locally can shield themselves against Coronavirus problems and become recession-proof as we weather the storm.”

The step-by-step guide is meant to “equip people with everything they need to not just survive the doom that’s killing so many small businesses now but to thrive.”

Operation Protect is a practical plan in four parts. It covers helping and protecting business owners themselves and the business, things he or she should be doing during lockdown to ensure the company’s protection and survival and preparing for Freedom Day.

The booklet covers a wealth of areas including information on what business owners do and do not need to pay and what financial help is available. There is also the importance of planning and executing marketing, considering a different approach to selling and how to get practical plans for the future in place right now.

To crystallise the way forward, Faz has also created a 90 Day Business Protection Plan Checklist that takes business owners through vital stages to assist companies to continue effectively.

Added Faz: “We are not looking to profiteer from the current economic situation so Operation Protect is free to all business owners.

“We understand it’s more important now than ever before that we stick together as local entrepreneurs to battle through the dark times ahead and emerge stronger and better equipped than ever.”

For a free copy of Operation Protect drop an email to There are also hard copies available if you prefer and can be requested via email. 

For anyone looking to join thebestofbolton we do have a special Covid-19 package where we are offering customers membership for the next 2 months at the following prices:-

One Off Fee was £249 Now £49 
Monthly membership was £69 Now £49 

Written by Angela Kelly – Freelance Journalist and Media Consultant

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Bolton, Greater Manchester

01204 382785

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