
New Men's Health Check


The Phlebotomy Centre has launched two brand new products! The Men's Health Check and the Men's Advanced Health Check have been specifically designed to encourage men to take control of their health. 

Did you know?

Men visit their GP a third less than women on an annual basis. They also go to a pharmacists on average 4 times per year, in comparison to 18 times per year for a woman. 

Why is this? 

We're certain that there are more complex reasons, but the main ones that our patients have expressed to us are:

  • Afraid to discover that something is wrong
  • Discomfort or fear of physical examinations
  • Lack of time
  • There’s a Stigma Attached

At The Phlebotomy Centre, we want to help change this trend by offering a diagnostic approach to those who would benefit the most! Reducing the wait time between feeling unwell, and receiving a diagnosis. 

Men’s Health Check provides an in-depth assessment of all the key biomarkers important for diagnosing men's health conditions. This profile looks specifically at liver and kidney health, testosterone, iron levels and cholesterol, as well as a full blood count to look for inflammatory markers within your blood and give you an insight into your general health and wellbeing. 

A simple blood test from a vein in your arm in a 15 minute appointment is the most effective way to take control of your health, so don't delay. 

Published by
The Phlebotomy Centre

The Phlebotomy Centre

Crown Street, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL1

0333 3580381

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