
Mental Health and Wellbeing: What is the Importance of it in the Workplace in These Times?


The focus on well-being and mental health has always been such an important element in the workplace and if not treated seriously by companies, it can negatively impact the organisation as a whole. 

Studies done by Mental Health Foundation UK, showcased that:

· Around 1 in 6 people experienced mental health problems at work in the UK

· 12.7% of all sick/absence days link to increased reports of issues with employee’s mental health

As the whole world navigates through this global pandemic, whether it has been adjusting to working from home, home-schooling children, contracting the virus or experiencing grief, focusing on mental health and well-being in the workplace has never been more important.

Studies done during the pandemic from mid-March showcase that:

· In May, 38% of people from the UK were concerned about how the pandemic has affected their mental health versus the 28% concerned in the US and the 23% in Germany (Study from Statista, 2020)

· According to the Mental Health Foundation UK study done in 2020, 62% of people experienced nervousness or anxiousness due to the pandemic in mid-March

While the Mental Health Foundation UK have stated that the levels of nervousness and anxiousness experienced have decreased to 49% in June, there is no doubt that there has still been an increase in mental health and wellbeing issues since the pandemic has started and that there are still numerous people who are struggling to cope.

After months of working from home, restrictions are now easing and people are having to return to work. For some, this may bring excitement to return to a sense of normalcy but for the roughly 49% who were still experiencing increased anxiety in June, this may not be the case.

It can be seen that providing increased services for mental health and wellbeing and frequently promoting these services can help to make employees feel better and more confident in asking for help. Overall it can improve an employee’s mental health at work and improve productivity in the workplace.

If you believe that your company can benefit from increased mental health or wellbeing services, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us to hear about our upcoming corporate wellbeing service!

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Flourish Therapy Clinic

Flourish Therapy Clinic

Navigation Way, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 2YP

01772 915735

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