We acknowledge that often individuals with one mental health issue have other psychiatric co- morbidities such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), addictions and bipolar, therefore, individuals need a care plan catered to their specific needs, which Breathe can provide. We take a holistic approach to a person’s individual treatment, which takes into account the person as a whole and all of their needs. We offer treatment for all ages and receive referrals on a private basis; from GP’s, Commissioners and Social Services.
Our aim is to address the deep rooted underlying issues, as well as the presenting symptoms and develop individuals in all areas of their life. For example, when individuals experience pain (either physical, mental or emotional) it can stunt motivation and interest and/or disruption in other areas of life. Breathe will work with you on setting and addressing your goals with strategies and coping mechanisms to ‘change the way you think and change the way you feel!’.
We aim to provide treatment that has a significant long term benefit and relapse prevention rather than the historically delivered short term solutions with a higher possibility of relapse. We don’t have a restricted catchment area and offer remote services wherever your residence eg. Facetime, Zoom or Skype. Our dedication and energy towards wellbeing is experienced through the treatment we provide; the team at Breathe is different – we care and as we wholeheartedly believe recovery is possible!