
Calling all local businesses

Can You Help?

Queen Elizabeth Grammar School (QEGS) in Blackburn is looking to create links with local companies who would be willing to support the school with a range of career activities throughout the academic year.  This can include attending their careers fair, providing employer talks, taking part in the meet the employer events, workplace visits and offering potential work experience opportunities.

Judith Powell is the Head of Careers and the school lead for all CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) for all Years 7-13. As all career initiatives and events are run through the Careers Department, she would love to hear from businesses who would like to connect with the school and offer some support, including on the dates below:

1st May: Meet the Employer Speed Networking Event for Years 8 and 9

Work Experience Weeks

23 - 27th June 2025: Year 10 Work Experience Week

30th June - 4th July 2025: Year 12 Work Experience Week
To get an idea of the school’s careers programme during the school year, Year 7-11 pupils are introduced to local companies in various ways; for instance through speed networking events, employer talks and the dedicated work experience week in Year 10. As a truly comprehensive intake, QEGS Year 11 students proceed onto the whole range of courses post-16: A-levels, BTECs, T-levels, apprenticeships, and work-based training/employment. Through providing as much career activity across the Year groups, it is hoped that they can make informed decisions regarding the best course for them post-16 and post-18.
In Years 12 and 13, students studying A Levels at QEGS 6th form explore different career pathway options Post-18 including traditional University degrees, degree apprenticeships, early careers programmes and full-time employment. Students are also encouraged to embrace all opportunities and find work placements to improve their knowledge and employability in the future whichever pathway they take. Like Year 10 pupils all the Year 12 students have a dedicated work experience placement week, and they are encouraged to find placements themselves.

As a firm, we pride ourselves on collaborating with schools/colleges to educate the next generation of workers on roles within the professional sector and offer tremendous opportunities for early careers.

If you are a business in the local area and can offer any assistance or would like to discuss this further, please contact:

Mrs Judith Powell - Head of Careers


Telephone:  01254 686300 ext.608
Published by
Pierce Business Advisory & Accountancy Group

Pierce Business Advisory & Accountancy Group

Ainsworth Street, Blackburn with Darwen, Blackburn, Blackburn with Darwen, BB1

07711 077695

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