
I'm Asking For A Little Help

Good afternoon GB Shared.

I hope you are all flourishing so far this year.

At QTPA, as a Virtual PA Service, we work with companies doing all the tasks they don't have time for, the skills for or the enthusiasm for, when there are so many better ways they could be spending their time to grow their businesses, or just have more free time.

Often as business owners we don't have the time to really think about where we are going and how we are going to get there.

Speaking with entrepreneurs I see and hear overwhelm with everything they need to do. Often because they haven't taken the time to plan their days, not just the numbers, but how they spend their time to optimise it.

I've created a weekend for business owners to take time away from their businesses to work on themselves and their business. 

A time to reflect and plan. A time to network and have some fun, while thinking about the next financial year and what we need to grow our businesses.

Would you be kind enough to share the link to my event with your network please? 

If you look in my offers, you will see a code you can use to get a discount if this is something you would like to attend.
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Quality Time PA Services

Quality Time PA Services

Newchurch, Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4 7UD

07866 888 935

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