
Local Golf Club members raise money for elderly


Members of Mossock Hall Golf Club in Ormskirk have played their part for older people in Lancashire by raising a fantastic £3,399 for local charity Age UK Lancashire.  Jeanette Curlett, Lady Captain for season 2018-19, chose Age UK Lancashire as her charity of choice for the year as the work they do around dementia support was something close to her heart.

Throughout the golfing season Jeanette together with fellow members worked hard to organise various fundraising events involving all the members at the club.

David Ward for Age UK Lancashire said: “When we first met with Jeanette to thank her for supporting us, we were blown away by her passion and drive to raise as much money and awareness of our services as possible.  We have been in regular contact with each other throughout the season and informing the members about the various campaigns and services we provide as well as assisting with their fundraising activities”.

The money will stay locally and go towards supporting our day centres and providing the free-of-charge information and advice service, ensuring people can get the right benefits, housing support, health and social care, and access other help they may need.

Another member, Pam Williams was also so keen to support the charity that she knitted some ‘Twiddlemuffs’ and kindly donated them to the Day Time Support service, which Age UK Lancashire run from their Wellbeing Centre in Ormskirk.  Twiddlemuffs are a hand muff with various textures and items attached inside and out designed to provide a stimulation activity for restless hands for patients suffering from dementia.

David Ward added: “We are so grateful to Jeanette for first of all choosing our charity to support but also to Pam for making the Twiddlemuffs and other members including the Men’s captain John Power, who really have worked hard this year.  When Jeanette presented me with the cheque I was blown away by the huge amount they had raised.  As a local charity everything that gets donated stays locally to directly support our services, so without the generous support from people like Jeanette and the members of Mossock Hall we simply wouldn’t be able to help as many people as we do”.

Last year Age UK Lancashire supported 31,179 older people and their carers to get the support they needed.  Want to make a real difference to your local community?  Then join Age UK Lancashire’s ‘Loyal to Lancashire’ campaign by visiting or calling 0300 303 1234.

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Age UK Lancashire

Age UK Lancashire

Moorgate, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY

0300 303 1234

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