
It's OK To Not Be OK


The weather is starting to change, and the days are getting shorter. The cool air has become more noticeable and an odd feeling of negativity has started to creep in… 

This feeling is normal at this time of year and is a mixture of things that naturally happen going into October. The weather becomes less positive, and naturally we may do the same. In fact, it is shown that this time of year has one of the lowest rates of job satisfaction and a general lowering of motivation. 

Due to this, it is important to start to think about breaking the stigma around mental health in the workplace. It is a shame that this still needs to be talked about but, in reality, the more we do the more this becomes a less feared conversation, and honesty and openness can become part of routine workplace culture. 

At Fresh, we often talk about mental health within the workplace and we promote a positive company culture within our own office. We are huge fans of open conversation and everything that is said is said in confidence, and the team is free to discuss their problems and also how they are feeling. This had led to us having a close-knit team that understand how mental health can affect an individual. 

We recently did a video series about mental health within the workplace, here are the two links 
Part One 
Part Two 

Globally, an estimated 264 million people suffer from depression, one of the leading causes of disability, with many of these people also suffering from symptoms of anxiety. Another alarming statistic is that one in four people have suffered from a mental illness that they didn’t discuss or seek help for. 

These shocking statistics aren’t helped by the fact that mental health is still a taboo subject, and we at Fresh Perspective are challenging you to start to break this stigma. We are beginning to break down the stereotypes associated with this in our own office, and we encourage you to do the same. 

Together we can make a difference within our own spaces. The offices that we are a part of and our own personal lives. 

If you would like to have a look at a great resource, here is a link to Mental Heal that works, They have some great resources for individuals and to help to support the growth of positive business environments and open communication. It is free to use the website, that is full of up to date information.

If you have ever experienced a culture that supports the mental health of its employees we would love to know! The more we connect and learn from each other, the easier open communication becomes, and we at Fresh are trying to ensure that those statistics can be reduced and that more people feel comfortable around the subject of mental health. 

We hope you have an amazing week! 

The Fresh Perspective Team 

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Fresh Perspective Resourcing Ltd

Fresh Perspective Resourcing Ltd

Yarrow Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 0LP


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