
Insuring your parents for funeral costs

Have your parents mentioned their funerals? 

You may need to have this discussion with them. We know it's not the main topic of conversation when you go to visit, but it is an important one. Not only for them, but it could be for you too! 

? The actual average cost of dying in the UK in 2020 is £9,493

If they haven't planned for this, can you afford to pay? ?

#ParentsCover will let you pay as little as £10 a month to lock in the price of a funeral now. Avoid inflated costs when it comes to that sad day in years to come! 

#FuneralCover will give you #peaceofmind that you have no financial worries to think about, so you can #grieve for your #parent properly. 

Read our latest #Blog on 'Insuring your parents for funeral costs'

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