
Impostor syndrome - a gentler touch



You follow your Linked In, you do your networking, attend the events and read the business magazines and it means you’re walking the walk, and talking the talk. All good right? For some people yes, and for others, perhaps not so much.

Even sat here writing this, means that in some way, I’m ‘doing busy-business’ that will get my company noticed and not ACTUAL work, right?

OK so I’m possibly NOT constantly shouting about my business on this and that subject, on this and that platform. I’m not telling you about new projects, new clients, new appointments, new premises etc. as a lot of people do (and there’s nothing at all wrong with doing that), but what about the other people in business.The quieter ones. The ones who’d rather ‘just get on with it’? rather than SHOWING people that they’re getting on with

I once heard someone say that when she looks at Linked In, she gets impostor syndrome and feels somewhat inadequate compared to all those other people out there happily sharing every feature and facet of their business lives. And even so, I would definitely consider her business as a successful one - she’s no impostor.

When I first encountered Twitter many years ago, I, along with plenty of others signed up and started playing the game. Until after some months, I decided it simply wasn’t for me. It seemed to be many, many, many people just shouting “LOOK AT ME!LOOK AT ME!” and it kind of turned me off social media in general. Look at you? Why would I want to do that?

Feeling like you have to approach your business promotion in a similar style to Twitter (X) for instance, can turn some people off, or as mentioned before, give them a sense of inferiority.And this can ultimately change the way you think and feel about your business in a negative way.Perhaps you’re naturally more introverted and like to work in a more low key way.

Now the big hitters in this arena might say “Well suck it up! that’s business, you either grab it by the horns or you lose out!”But I’d like to suggest that not everything that happens in the ‘headlines’ is ALL that’s going on. Lots of people in lots of areas of business and busily and quietly doing great work. Making money, sharing opportunities (as on Lancashare), building relationships, enjoying their work-life balance and are perfectly happy not shouting about it.

So, if you would simply like to carry on doing what you love doing and don’t want to shout about it every five minutes, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

I for one, feel the same way.

Published by
The Action House

The Action House

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