
Have You Ever Googled Recruiters Are…


Professional Recruitment, With a New Outlook

We know that we often say that recruitment needs to change, but now we want to explain why. We are on a mission to change how recruitment is delivered one day at a time, one client experience at a time, by giving a new recruitment option.

Have You Googled Recruiters Are…

It only takes a few cowboys (and girls) to change people’s perceptions of a profession. Head over to Google, type: “recruiters are…” and take a second to look at the search predictions. The results don’t make for great reading (although recruitment is not alone). For the thousands of great recruiters, there are a select few that continue to damage the industry’s reputation.

Here are the latest results…

Recruiters are annoying.

Recruiters are liars.

Go on! try it for yourself!

Annoying, Liars… It doesn’t paint a pretty picture of our profession, does it?

At Fresh Perspective we have personal, first-hand experience of the pressure that comes from a recruitment agency for a fast hire and a whistle-stop service that will leave the client reeling over their encounter with the industry.

This experience led us to want to make a difference, and to move away from this negative stereotype, smashing as many glass ceilings as we can find along the way.

We Are Different

Our model is totally different from traditional recruitment agencies, we don’t charge a commission for placing candidates into vacancies, instead only charging for the time we use helping you with your recruitment needs and strategy.

This makes us more cost-effective than traditional recruitment consultancies and yet you still have access to our team of experts as and when you need them.

Whether you’re a small, young business equally excited and terrified about hiring your very first employee or a more established, growing business looking to hire multiple people across differing roles, we can help and support you throughout the process, making it efficient, enjoyable and effective.

We Want To Hear From You

We can’t continue to make impactful change without your input, we want to hear your horror stories. What is it about recruitment that makes you quake in your boots? What annoys you most about the recruitment process? What is the first thing that you think about when you hear the term recruitment?

We have heard it all, and we promise to not get offended!

Send us an email with your stories and ideas and we will discuss with you how we would approach it differently, so you know there are other options for your future recruitment.

Have a great week!

The Fresh Perspective Team

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Fresh Perspective Resourcing Ltd

Fresh Perspective Resourcing Ltd

Yarrow Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 0LP


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