
Giving future generations a fighting chance.... a lifeline in a pandemic!


No one can argue that young people have been adversely affected by the pandemic.  From cancelled GCSE's, moving to a virtual education to losing jobs and entering kick start programmes, young people have faced their fair share of challenges over the last year.  Double the amount of young people in the UK are now on Universal Credit, and those suffering from homelessness, mental health, isolation and more, are on the increase.

At GB Shared, our share platforms were created to make business easier, to create countywide collaboration and empathy economies, which have a positive impact at local level.   5 years on, these multi award winning, Northern Powerhouse Partners, are keen to use that resource to support the youth of the UK!

Everything that a young person needs to succeed already exists, it's just hard to find.  So, GB Shared reached out to member organisations all across the NW and asked if they'd start sharing for this and future generations.  It was a unanimous YES!

GB Shared, with the support of Innovate UK, 5 Northern Powerhouse Partners and hundreds of businesses have created, The Gen.  The Gen, a new national youth platform, will be live (and FREE) to all, from 17th May 2021.

The site will see member businesses sharing; jobs, funding, events, awards, education & training, life skills, offers, apprenticeships, kick starts, placements, projects, internships and much more with 16-24 year olds.   They can opt in if they can guest teach, guest speak, provide placements or set learner projects.  Moreover, when they do share, their brand will benefit from national exposure!

GB Shared Founder, Lisa Edge said, "As a mum, foster carer, educator and business owner, we firmly believe many of the opportunities young adults need, already exist and sit firmly with employers.  By encouraging them to, and rewarding them for sharing, we can create a resource pool and a plethora of opportunities for young adults like no other.  The Gen is here to aid their life and career journeys.  We simply could not sit on the sidelines, watching our children struggle, with a network this big and this collaborative.  So we decided to do something about it".  

The Gen will help young people by centralising and sharing opportunities for 16-24s,  but it will also help to bridge the gap between education and industry, providing a bank of willing employers to work with the education sector and bring opportunities to the youth of the UK.  Furthermore, it will help parents, providing a useful resource and a wealth of information and support to help guide future choices.

To find out more how your business can contribute to, or benefit from The Gen, come along to one of our drop in sessions - you'll find them on our events pages!

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