
Can You Support The New Local Skills Improvement Plan?

Lancashire has been chosen to be a Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) Trailblazer.

Following a successful expression of interest to the Department for Education, the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and East Lancashire Chamber will be partners in delivering the LSIP.

 The aim of the LSIP is to put employers at the heart of the skills programme in the county. This will require wide-reaching engagement with businesses of all sectors and sizes to uncover the skills needs of employers now and in the future.

An integral part of the LSIP will be the creation of an Employers Board and focus groups that will focus on sector specific issues or cross-sector themes.

We are seeking businesses to participate on one or more of these groups.

To express your interest in getting involved with the LSIP please email with your business contact details, sector and number of employees.

Please be aware that we will need to ensure coverage across different sectors and size of business. This may mean we are unable to accommodate everyone who responds.

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East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce & Chamber Business Training

East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce & Chamber Business Training

4 Petre Road, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5JB

01254 356400

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