
#12in12for12 Quiz Night Success

The #12in12for12 Quiz Night was a huge success

We returned to the Mill House in Clayton to host The Big Fat Quiz of The Year after the incredible success of the last quiz night. We raised over £300 for the twelve charities, which collectively, with the other events, took us over £11,000.

Firstly we would like to say a huge thank you to our sponsors for making this event possible and successful.

The Mill House in Clayton generously donated the room where we hosted the quiz and 10% of the bar sales to our #12in12for12 cause. The donation of the bar sales amounted to £105. Thank you to Sharon and The Mill House team for your generosity.

We would also like to thank our other sponsors, Carter Clear Accounting and OHM Smart. Caroline of Carter Clear sponsored the event and donated a hamper to the raffle for one of the lucky winners. Daniel Johnson from OHM Smart donated £100 to the Quiz night. We were also donated a Delilah Chloe hamper for the raffle, another thank you to Carl and Kirsty Elmer.

Our guests had the pleasure of participating in the quiz hosted by Amrita Govindji-Bruce and Richard Singleton. The quiz consisted of eight rounds of trivia, which included music, television and visual questions. The guests were also treated to watching one of our Marketing Director Richard’s very own TikTok videos!

Congratulations to our hosts, the Mill House on triumphing and winning the quiz, along with the NORI trophy.

Special Guests

Along with our amazing sponsors and guests, we were also fortunate enough to have two special appearances from very talented guests.

Michael Areola, of King of Aces, donated his time and entertained our guests during the night with his outstanding magic and card tricks. We had some great feedback from our guests. Every time we have the pleasure of seeing Michael we are left with smiles on our faces and the ‘how does he do it??’ question in our minds!

Later in the evening, we had Carl Elmer dust off his guitar and perform an acoustic set. Our guests were really entertained, and those who know him were in shock about his (fantastic) secret talent that he’s kept hidden all this time.

The #12in12for12 campaign

The skydive was one of twelve events for our 12 events, that we are completing in 12 months, for 12 charities. This huge challenge is to aid the amazing charities that are helping our local area with issues affecting our community. 

The twelve charities are:

  1. 6 Connections
  2. Accrington Stanley Community Trust
  3. Age Concern Lancashire
  4. Age UK Lancashire
  5. Burnley Football Club in the Community
  6. Community CVS Blackburn
  7. Community Foundation for Lancashire & Merseyside
  8. Community Solutions North West
  9. East Lancashire Hospice
  10. Positive Action in the Community
  11. Pendleside Hospice
  12. Rossendale Hospice

Overall the quiz was a really great and successful night. We all had a great time of trivia, catching up and socialising. The Mill House were great hosts and the venue added to our fantastic night.

Overall the quiz allowed us to raise over £300 amount from tickets purchased, the raffle and bar donations. The JustGiving page is still active for any donations to the #12in12for12 campaign – Donate here.

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NORI HR & Employment Law

NORI HR & Employment Law

Blackburn Road, Lancashire, Accrington, Lancashire

01254 947829

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