
Why a pension plan is so important!

Why is having a pension plan so important? It may sound like a cliché - but as the saying goes, fail to plan; plan to fail! A pension plan allows you to work out what you need to do now, in order to live the life you want when you stop working.

Without a pension plan - how will you pay for that once in a lifetime cruise? Help your children onto the property ladder? Buy that racing car you always wanted or even just pay the bills allowing you to potter in the garden?

Whatever your retirement dreams maybe - no matter how simple - a pension plan is so important. In this video, Stan Sherlock Associate's financial adviser Robert Sherlock explains why you need a pension plan:

For an informal chat about how we can help please call us on 01228 598821. Or check out our website for more information on pensions, investments and mortgages: 
