
The Past is a Foreign Country

I counsel and support people from all sorts of backgrounds. They can come to me with many different challenges. Self Confidence, personal issues, and imposter syndrome are just a few of the areas that I am called on to help them through. The common factor with nearly all of these is a problem deep rooted in the past. It can be a single incident or a longer-term issue that has impacted their lives. We continue to hold on to that pain, or suffering, whatever the cause. We end up with a heavy rucksack on our back that burdens us with things we can no longer fix, because we simply cannot turn back time. We need to find a way to move beyond this past hurt.

Our ego can often hang onto these past events, maybe seeking justice or revenge. We need to reflect on the event and the past and understand that holding onto it offers nothing to our life today. We can look to turn this into a positive, find learning and enrichment from the past. Our mind will not allow us to forget impactful events, but forgiving, and it Is sometimes ourselves we need to forgive, is how we will use these past issues to enrich our present life and integrate it into our sense of self.

You can start this process today. Look at something you are holding onto from your past, reflect on it, and ask yourself, “do I need this in my life now?” You will find that the answer more often than not is “no”, and you will be better able to move the pain of that event into the past rather than continuing to affect the present and future. Take the wisdom forward, rather than the experience of the event  

At Yugen Wisdom we believe that most, if not all, of life’s challenges can be solved through a deeper connection within. Yugen Wisdom takes the approach of using various methodologies to help clients gain a deeper understanding of the purpose of their life’s journey. This in turn leads to peace of mind, growth, and an appreciation of the purpose of life and how to turn a tribulation into triumph. We can guide you through the process of taking the wisdom and learning rather than the pain from an experience and integrating it into your sense of self. Reach out to us to learn more and learn more about our just announced Spring 2023 retreats here.
