
The Power of Intuition

I have been working with clients as a counsellor and coach since 1999. I have found through talking to hundreds of people over that time is that whatever success looks like to them, those who live happier more fulfilled lives are those who follow their intuition.

So, what is intuition? What it isn’t is “gut feel”. That is the feeling that often does reside in your gut and is based on past experience. “Last time this situation occurred I acted a certain way, it didn’t work, so my gut feel is to do the opposite this time”. Intuition is more a connection with a feeling. Many of us will have been introduced to a new colleague, told how wonderful they are and how great their work will be, only to feel that something is not quite right. It may be something you can’t initially articulate. As time progresses you may find that your intuition about them is proved correct.

My observation is that intuition, which is based around the forehead, and is sometimes called the “Third Eye” is seldom wrong. It can be stronger in women, and because it is not easily quantifiable can also be dismissed. Our intuition does not always tell us what we want to hear, so there can be a tendency to ignore it.

When I’m asked if this is in used a business or personal sense, I would say; “what does your intuition say?” If you don’t know what it is telling you, ask it. It can often be a very small voice buried beneath everything else that your mind is trying to tell you. If I am reviewing past events with a client, I will often ask what their intuition told them was the right course of action, and they had often failed to listen to that voice, with negative consequences. Like any muscle, your intuition needs to be exercised and listened to. It can be a constant guide to many aspects of life, from the choice of your route to work today to major life events, like taking a job, or getting married.

Clients will ask me what my intuition is about an action they are about to take. My intuition will be different to theirs as I am not closely connected to the decision. I can share my intuition, but we are different people so will have different feelings as our relationship to the question of their rebranding, or a personal life choice will come from alternative viewpoints.

The dictionary tells us that intuition is “the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning”. In business and Iin our personal lives intuitive thinking, reaching decisions quickly based on automatic cognitive processes, rather than reflective thinking which allows the questioning of first instinct and consideration of other possibilities has guided people like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, and Oprah Winfrey. They have all endorsed the power of intuitive thinking many times. At MBD have over 25 years’ experience in helping organisations, teams, individuals and SMEs to achieve their performance goals. To learn more about our strategies for success connect with us here.
