
The Busiest Of Weeks!

A behind the scene shot of Victoria Sedgewick taking a photograph of very lovely little cottage kitchen. You can see why I am not allowing myself to do my own photography!

My dream of becoming an Estate Agent and working for the local community seemed a pipe dream last August. I was told by a few negative people that the area already had well established agencies that had the market share. 

I didn't want the market share, I never set out to be the agent that takes on listings and has so many on their books that they don't have the time to keep in contact with  buyers and sellers. For me it was about giving great service. I have bought and sold houses for the last 25 years, and in that time I have received nothing short of bad advice, inept agents, and have felt as though I was bothering the agents with my issues...I know why Estate Agents are in the top three of most hated professions.

But what if someone tried to so things a little differently. What if someone had vision of how to present a home with home staging, employed one of the top photographers in the industry to shoot the presented property, only took on ten listings at a time and gave a very unique and bespoke service to each and every one of their clients?

And so I did. 

This week my dream of becoming the agent of choice to my local community is starting to materialise. I have sold the most beautiful bungalow in the Village of Morland to the most amazing couple from Cambridge who cannot wait to start their new chapter in the Eden Valley. The house was on the market for 10 hours before they viewed and offered. And for higher than asking price.

Yesterday (yes, Easter Sunday) I showed a family around the most stunning little cottage that is not yet listed. The photography was done on Thursday and the property is due to go live tomorrow. The family were desperate to see it as I have been helping them look for their next chapter since March. An offer has been made (for over asking) and they are currently going through the due diligence AML checks.

This is what I do. I have time to speak to every single one of my clients and am able to join the dots.

My service is unique and bespoke, but I charge no more than the other high street agents.

We are not all the same and finally, my vision, my dream and my little independent business is taking shape.

Never listen to those who doubt you, it may be a lost opportunity to do what makes your heart sing.

Katrina Nicholson
