
Seven pitfalls to avoid when looking for another mobile provider

It is always a good idea to checkout what deals are available when you are nearing the end of your mobile contract whether that be 1 year, 2 years or more. Before you make the final decision, checkout the seven pitfalls below, it may just save you an awkward conversation after getting your first bill.

1. Initial Good Deal

We have all seen those amazing deals, 'Unlimited Data Plan for £12.75 / Month'  but it is not until you get into the small print, that you see it is only for the first 3 months / 6 months whereupon the price of the plan rockets.

Answer: Look at the total price of the plan over the contracted period.

2. Plan and contract device price split

Knowing that you are likely to stick with your mobile plan past the time when you have fully paid for your contract device, some providers will reduce the monthly price of the device and increase the cost of the plan.

Answer: A commonsense check of the pricing will usually identify an excessively priced plan.

3. Voice call charges

Usually per minute charges for voice are included in the plan, but just look out for hidden charges for premium numbers or calls to or within foreign countries (i.e. international calls).

Answer: If you can find it, check the pricing tariff for your plan.

4. Excessive out of bundle charges

This is the most popular pitfall for users, choosing a plan with a nominal data allowance which you consistently exceed. Mobile providers will love you!! However, it is far more sensible to choose a more expensive plan with more data and not incur those out of bundle charges.

Answer: check your monthly data usage and choose a plan with an adequate data allowance for this usage.

5. No hotspot facility

A lot of providers will not allow you to setup a hotspot with your phone, so denying you access to your data allowance when using a device remotely i.e. hotel, train, etc.

Answer: If you are intending to work 'on-the-road', choose a provider/plan that allow you to hotspot your phone.

6. Mobile device tied to a certain network

Not a widespread problem anymore, but in the past, a contract phone was provided tied to a network and if you wanted to change network, an extra charge would be levied.

Answer: No longer a problem unless you have a fairly old contract phone.

7. EU Roaming Allowance

Not all plans include an allowance of minutes, SMS or data when roaming in the EU or further afield. If your international roaming is going to consist of just a few holidays a year, then you might prefer to turn data roaming off and use the hotel wi-fi or purchase daily travel bundles for the time you are away. Anything more than this and you should start thinking about plans that include a roaming allowance.

Answer: Important to know your usage and know when travel is an important part of the job.

So the moral of the story is 'Don't just pick the cheapest plan', do a bit of research and make an informed decision. 

As you might have guessed, we check the deals of our competitors and probably know most of the ways used to increase margins, hence the list above. However, if you need a comparison, checkout our O2 Totally Unlimited Plan (£13.00 + VAT / Month). A plan competitively priced and feature rich including:

  • Unlimited Minutes, SMS and Data (Fair Usage Policy: 250GB).
  • O2 network with low frequency access, good for rural areas around Cumbria.
  • 5G access with an appropriate device.
  • Voice over Wi-Fi when the premise shields against a mobile signal.
  • Multiple tethered devices allowed.
  • Bring your number with you (Free).
  • EU Roaming included providing a 25GB data allowance.
  • Travel bundles available outside the EU.
  • Charge limits to restrict Out of Bundle charges.
  • SIM Only - 1 month contract.
  • Free SIM which is compatible with 99% of mobile devices.

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