
Work Experience Week

Last week I had the absolute honour of helping two students from Appleby Grammar School with their Work Experience Week.

I’m fairly sure neither of them actually want to become an estate agent when they leave school…but how much can one week change someone’s opinion?

From day one, they were hooked. I think it helps that they are both very judgemental teens and their take on poor marketing of properties was refreshingly honest, and sometimes downright brutal!

They saw exactly what I saw, terrible photography, awful and bland property descriptions, no care or attention to home staging. Within two days they were able to spot agents that over value properties to win listings and they even made me a colourful Venn diagram to show me their findings.

Will they become the agents of the future?…maybe?

Did they learn, engage and educate themselves?…absolutely!

Did I learn from them?…100%

If anyone gets the chance to be a part of Work Experience Week then just do it! I’m not sure who got more out of it, me or them! It’s one week out of 52 and who knows, you may get to shape someone’s future just by giving a bit of time and knowledge. Not a bad trade off.