
New for 2022 - iPhone 13 Cases with Precise Precision Protection

Since we started providing our own branded cases for iPhones, and looking back at our first cases for the iPhone 7, these seem so long ago, each new design has brought a different challenge. Different phone sizes, different camera lens positions, different number of camera lenses, the list goes on. However, through all of this, our main goal has been to provide a low profile, good grip and non-slippy case in a few popular colours. We named these cases JACKETZZTM which best described what protection we thought today's mobile phone needed.

Then came the iPhone 11, multiple lenses in a square configuration, completely different from the slot configuration of previous models. What were we going to do, how would we protect the phone from scratches between the lenses. Well, COVID hit BOOM!! and the problem temporarily went away because our international manufacturing facility closed down.

Fast forward to January 2022, in fact I am writing this on New Year's Day, our new cases for the iPhone 13 are on the way and we think we have got you covered, your phone we mean. Precise Precision Protection is an enhancement to our JACKETZZTM cases which covers between the lenses giving you better protection from bumps and scrapes. The case also covers all four sides, extending past the phone's screen to give further scratch protection.

This is our most protective case yet and becomes available for the iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro in mid January'22 initially in Black, White, Pink and Violet. In March'22 further colours of Red, Dark Blue (Pictured), Bright Green and Bright Orange become available. Learn more at

An exciting time for us and we wish all Cumbriashare members a Happy and Prosperous New Year!! 
